Handwriting Information

Useful links for handwriting information:

National Handwriting Association

The National Handwriting Association is a charity whose aims are to raise awareness of the importance of handwriting as a vital component of literacy, to promote good practice in the teaching of handwriting and to support those who work with children with handwriting difficulties. They provide a useful summary of the National Curriculum handwriting requirements, resources and a comprehensive list of books and resources.

National Handwriting Association – Charity promoting good practice in handwriting (nha-handwriting.org.uk)

Can Child

CanChild Centre for Childhood Disability Research is a research and educational centre located at McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada.  Research is focused on improving the lives of children and youth with disabilities and their families.  The following handwriting documents provide useful information about handwriting assessment and good practice.


Handwriting Without Tears

Handwriting Without Tears is a multi-sensory handwriting programme.   There is a great focus on development of underlying skills in Early Years as well as strategies for teaching handwriting.  Parts of the programme can be used to teach UK students.

Handwriting Without Tears: Curriculum and Practice for Kids K-5 (lwtears.com)

Size Matters Handwriting Programme

Size Matters is a concept driven programme that focuses on letter size in order to improve handwriting. The resources aren’t readily available in the UK, speak to your OT to borrow some ideas.

Size Matters ® Handwriting: A New Way of Teaching and Remediating Handwriting | Get Affordable and Fun Motor Skills Products for Your School Needs (realotsolutions.com)

Donna Young Handwriting Resources

A website with free printable worksheets and handwriting paper.  Worksheets progress from pre-writing shapes through to letter formations and words.

Dyspraxia Foundation

The Dyspraxia Foundation is a national charity that seeks every opportunity to increase understanding of Dyspraxia, particularly among professionals in health and education.  Information about Dyspraxia and handwriting can be found here.

 Speed Up! A kinaesthetic programme to develop fluent handwriting

A programme of 8 enjoyable weekly sessions to assist children who are having difficulty writing fluently. Speed Up! aims to develop kinaesthetic awareness through multi-sensory activity and exercise. Recommended age: 8-13.  This programme is written by OT Lois Addy.  This programme can be provided at schools by Occupational Therapy Essex.


A source of hundreds of links to pre-writing activities and many other therapy ideas